(609) 284-8893​

Getting our commmunity on the path to success
Strategize. Organize. Mobilize.
The Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit (NRTC) Program was created by provisions of the Neighborhood Revitalization State Tax Credit Act, P.L. 2001, c.415 (N.J.S.A.52:27D-490 et seq.). The purpose of the Act is to foster neighborhood revitalization through comprehensive strategies driven by residents and other public and private stakeholders within the neighborhood. The NRTC Program, which is administered by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, is designed with five (5) specific goals
The Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit Program (NRTC) is designed to foster the revitalization of New Jersey's distressed neighborhoods. NRTC offers business entities an 80 percent tax credit against various New Jersey state taxes.Credits are provided to business entities that invest in the revitalization of low- and moderate-income neighborhoods in eligible cities.Sixty percent of the tax credit funds must be used for activities related to the development of housing and economic development.
To encourage community-based neighborhood planning
To provide flexible resources for community-based organizations
To build the capacity of local and community-based organizations to carry out neighborhood revitalization activities
To attract private investment into New Jersey’s low- and moderate-income neighborhoods
What we want from YOU!
The Rancocas Neighborhood Revitalization Plan committee will be working to evaluate all the input from residents, business owners, public officials and others who have given their opinions, ideas and thoughts about what is needed and wanted in the Rancocas Neigborhood over the next 10 years.
We want and need the input from the community. This is the only way our Plan can reflect the community we desire to serve. We want to know what you think is good and can be made better, both how and why. We want to know what you think is missing or could be improved, again both how and why. We want your creative ideas on how we can work together to make this a better community. No ideas are unimportant. We believe that the greater good will come as many people share in the discussion about what they want for themselves, their neighbors and the people who will live in the neighborhood in the years to come.
So, please share your thoughts, opinions and ideas -- help us create a revitalization Plan that reflects the values, ideas and goals of the people who live, work and play in the neighborhood.
First, complete the Survey posted on the website...
Then continue to send us your thoughts anytime you think of something. Send them to me at kentrpipes@icloud.com. Follow us on our website at www.rancocasnrtc.com. As we work to solicit ideas and responses from the community we will be posting news on the website. When we complete a draft plan we will post that for review and comment as well.
Thank you for your support and involvement. Together we will make all of Mt. Holly, and especially the Rancocas Neighborhood a better place for all.